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Dr. Utku Gülan

Home  /  Dr. Utku Gülan
Dr. Utku Gülan
Co-founder, CEO
+41 (0) 52 213 1919
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Dr. Utku Gülan is a mechanical engineer with a Ph. D. in biomedical engineering. He received his Ph. D. at ETH Zürich where he received the ETH Medal in 2012, an honor awarded to the 1% best theses in every year.

Prior to that, he received his master's and bachelor's degrees in Mechanical Engineering in Turkey in 2004 and 2007 respectively. Utku has over 10 years of experience in the biomedical flows and in vitro imaging techniques. His background is in understanding the turbulence in fluid dynamics, with key research on laminar flows and transition to turbulence. With the establishment of his collaborations, he has moved from a more fundamental approach to the study of biomedical fluid mechanics and the performance of the artificial organs produced via 3D printers. He has become a renowned expert on in vitro imaging methods in the last years. As an entrepreneur, his biggest ambition is to provide the service of Hi-D Imaging to as many patients as possible all around the world.

Specialty Co-founder, CEO
Degrees Ph. D.
Training Management, biomedical flow dynamics, in vitro flow measurements
Work Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday